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Committed to: Food provision for our High Desert neighbors and friends. Always holding ourselves to Transparency, Accountability and Healthy Growth of Food Resources.

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Co-Lead Council

Victor Valley Rescue Mission Community Relations.
Bachelor of Arts, Life Pacific University.
Current community investments include service on the High Desert Food Collaborative Council, Victorville’s Homeless Solutions Task Force and this Region’s Interagency Council on Homelessness.  2019 recipient: Prevention Advocate of the Year - Department of Behavioral Health. Spokesperson: High Desert Food Collaborative for the SB County Community Vital Signs 2019 report. Nominated: 2019 Volunteerism Accolade Award. Class of 2020 Leadership Victor Valley. Works with the Institute/Global Institute on Public Strategies regarding community health and affordable housing.

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Co-Lead Council

Bill Edwards has been in ministry for 11 years right here in the Inland Empire (High Desert). He grew up here, his grandfather moved to Victorville in 1943. As Director of the Victor Valley Rescue Mission Bill has a unique lens as to what our community has been like and what it can be. Why? Bill was homeless the first time when he was 16 years old living in a junkyard down off of D street in Victorville. It was the kindness of friends that provided a sense of security and basic needs for him to survive. His choices to be homeless were his own as he was already using drugs on a daily basis from the age of 12 years old, and wanted freedom for himself. Bill now gets to work in recovery ministry and uses all of his past experiences to reach out to the lost, hurting, and broken, to offer Refuge Recovery and Restoration.

Meet the Team: Team Members


Co-Lead Council

Tina works at High Desert Second Chance as serves as the

Vice President/Community Relations Coordinator. She is the

Grant Writer for the High Desert Food Collaborative and the Administrative and Communications Guru for High Desert Second Chance and the High Desert Food Collaborative.


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Dr Garcia-Usry is on the Azusa Pacific University Nursing Faculty. She is a life-long resident of Victorville. She
recently completed a research study regarding Food Insecurity and the Impact of Food Distribution Sites in Rural Neighborhoods at Risk for Food Insecurity in San Bernardino County.
DR. Garcia-Usry is also the organizer of Sock, Shoes and Salvation, which is a signature community outreach for a homeless foot washing event. Socks, Shoes, and Salvation brings community services such as social and medical services to the homeless in the High Desert community. Her leadership at Azusa Pacific University has brought the cohorts of Nursing Students into our community where they astutely and generously serve the area's food insecure and unsheltered population.

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Sam started working with partner agency, High Desert Transitional Living Connection in 2017. Three years later he is the Director of this feeding agency that operates from The Gate Church HD. He always wanted to assist at the Food Pantry when he retired. Now he does with his lovely wife, Karen, and the great volunteers from The Gate Church HD.




David is a part of the High Desert Second Chance organization. He serves on the
Board of Directors and is the
Program(s) Director at the Food Bank.
David holds a
BA in Mechanical Engineer from California Baptist University.

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